Curators tour
Patterns & Modernism: William Morris meets Weissenhof

Kuratoren Team

© Photo: Ralph Fischer.

On 26 February 2025, curators Prof. Patrick Thomas and Stefanie Schwarz, both designers and lecturers at ABK Stuttgart, will guide visitors through the exhibition they curated together with Tobias Bednarz, art historian, and Anja Krämer, museum director of the Weissenhofmuseum.

The guided tour is for free and no registration is required.

Wednesday, 26 February 2025, 2 pm

Weissenhofwerkstatt in the Mies van der Rohe House
Am Weissenhof 20, 70191 Stuttgart

Prof. Patrick Thomas (Communication Design, ABK Stuttgart
Stefanie Schwarz (CTI Typography and Type Design & ABK Stuttgart
Anja Krämer (Director of the Weissenhofmuseum in Le Corbusier House)
Tobias Bednarz (art historian, M.A. cand.)