Ca bouge en ville – Let’s move! Sports and architecture of tomorrow

The upcoming Franco-German summer of sport – first the European Football Championships in Germany and then the Olympic Games in Paris – offers a unique opportunity to question ourselves about our lifestyles and the way we (want to) inhabit the world of today and tomorrow.

Five partner organizations: Institut francais Stuttgart (overall coordination), Architekturgalerie am Weissenhof, IBA’27 Friends, BDA Baden-Württemberg and the Weissenhof Museum in Le Corbusier House, invite you to experience the exhibition “Ça bouge en ville! – Get moving!” in the form of a trail.

This begins in the Weissenhof workshop in the Mies van der Rohe House and is dedicated to the combination of Le Corbusier’s architecture with sporting practice. In the Weissenhof workshop, we are also showing an exhibition in the table showcases on the role of sport for Le Corbusier and the other Weissenhof architects. This supplementary exhibition was curated by Kathrin Wagner-Douglas.

The second stop will be the architecture gallery at Weissenhof. The focus there will be on issues relating to spatial concepts and sustainable sports facilities. Visitors should plan around 50 minutes (3.6 km) for their walk from the north of Stuttgart to the city center to the next stop, the BDA Wechselraum (near the main train station), where future concepts will be discussed that deal with the conditions and requirements for sport in urban spaces. Via an intermediate stop, the IBA’27 space (Calwerstr./corner of Kienestr.), the route continues to the fifth and final stop, the Institut français on Berliner Platz. Here everything revolves around e-sports.


About the exhibition

In 2023, with the organisation in France of two major sporting events – the Rugby World Cup and the future Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024 – the Site Le Corbusier invites us to look at our way of living in today’s and tomorrow’s world. The exhibition Let’s move in the city! Sport and Architecture for Tomorrow, created by the architectural agency, DREAM, questions the place of sport in the city of tomorrow. In 2020, the lockdown caused by the COVID epidemic has turned the city into an open-air gymnasium, even a place of daily practice. In 2022, the Football World Cup in Qatar triggered a wave of indignation. This constant media coverage of professional sport reveals its growing role and the issues it raises in our contemporary societies. Essential to public health and a vector of socialisation, sport is at the same time a leisure, a set of techniques and an economic issue. It constitutes an institutional organisation and is at the heart of territorial political strategies.

The first International Congresses of Modern Architecture in the 1930s increased the general awareness about the influence of sport in the design of space on an urban scale. In Firminy, the Centre for recreation of the body and mind designed by Le Corbusier is an example of this functionalist urbanism where people should not only work but also have access to leisure. Today, the overall increase of leisure and entertainment sports – associated with the development of new forms of practices and uses – implements the need for new organisations, and relationships with the territories.

This requires a renewal of architectural programmes in rapidly changing cities. The exhibition presents a first approach based on interactive immersive and innovative devices.



Opening on Thursday, May 16, 2024

4 – 6.30 pm all exhibition venues open
7 pm opening – greetings, lecture by Dimitri Roussel (DREAM)
Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste (Hörsaal, Neubau 2. Am Weißenhof 1, 70191 Stuttgart)
Followed by a get-together in the Architekturgallerie am Weissenhof and in the Weissenhof Werkstatt in the Mies van der Rohe House


5-part exhibition course
March 16 – June 30, 2024
1. Weissenhofwerkstatt im Haus Mies van der Rohe – 2. Architekturgalerie am Weißenhof – 3. BDA Wechselraum – 4. Schaufenster des iba-Raums Calwer Straße 5/Kienestraße – 5. Institut francais

Common opening hours of all institutions
Tue – Thu, 2-5 pm
Fri, 2 – 4 pm

Opening hours Weissenhofwerkstatt in Haus Mies van der Rohe (Am Weissenhof 20, 70191 Stuttgart)
Tue – Fri, 2-5 p.m.
Sat, Sun, public holidays, 12-5 p.m.

Opening hours of the partners: see flyer or the respective homepage


Accompanying program:

Fri, June 7, 4-6 pm
Guided tour of the city with students from Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (meeting point: IBA’27 room, Calwer Straße 5/corner of Kienestraße)

Sat, June 22, 3 – 7 pm
Parcours with performances


An exhibition by: Site Le Corbusier, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Architekturbüro DREAM
A project by: Institut francais (Gesamtkoordination)- Architekturgalerie am WeißenhofBDA Bund Deutscher Architekten Baden-Württembergiba’27-friends.
With contributions from: Hochschule für Technik, Univerität Stuttgart
With the kind support of: Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst; Kulturamt Stuttgart; Freunde des Institut francais, Freunde der Weissenhofsiedlung, iba’27 friends, Wüstenrot Stiftung