Art Festival
Sommer der Künste – Villa Massimo zu Gast in Stuttgart

Thursday, 18 July 2024 – Sunday, 22 July 2024

SOMMER DER KÜNSTE – Villa Massimo zu Gast in Stuttgart
18 artists at 8 locations

The Roman summer arrives in Stuttgart. The German Academy of Rome Villa Massimo is presenting itself in Baden-Württemberg for the first time. Two academic years will be showing their works created in Rome or especially for the presentation in Stuttgart. This weekend’s programme ranges from concerts, readings and exhibitions to guided tours, panel discussions and installations in public spaces.

The PROGRAMME of all institutions can be found here
or as a download: Flyer_Sommer der Künste_Web


The architect and Rome Prize winner SUSANNE BRORSON is showing her work saisonaler salon (Bruckmannweg 10) in the WEISSENHOF ESTATE. And in the Weissenhofwerkstatt im Haus Mies van der Rohe she will show more of her work in the exhibition seasonal spontaneous.

saisonaler salon
Rome, Stuttgart, Rügen, Riga: the saisonaler salon by architect Susanne Brorson will stop off at these locations on its journey. The saisonaler salon is a pavilion that focuses on experimental and circular building with renewable raw materials. The architect clads the modular wooden structure ever more densely with grasses and materials that she collects on site. In hot Rome, grasses from the Villa Massimo garden are used as sun protection on the roof. In Stuttgart, the open side surfaces are given a weatherproof façade cladding with material that Brorson harvests in the region and on the exhibition site. On the island of Rügen, it will be set afloat and then connect two architecture faculties in Riga as part of the Floating Campus. Follow the journey of the saisonaler salon on Instagram



Thursday, 18 July 2024, 6 pm
At the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart (Kleiner Schloßplatz 1)


Rompreisträger:innen 2022/23 and 2023/24:
Ondřej Adámek (Komponist)
Yael Bartana (Bildende Künstlerin)
Oscar Bianchi (Komponist)
Susanne Brorson (Architektin)
Danica Dakić (Bildende Künstlerin),
Liza Dieckwisch (Bildende Künstlerin)
Manaf Halbouni (Bildender Künstler)
Kristof Magnusson (Schriftsteller)
Olga Martynova (Schriftstellerin)
Bjørn Melhus (Bildender Künstler)
Marko Nikodijević (Komponist)
Katerina Poladjan (Schriftstellerin)
Arne Rautenberg (Schriftsteller)
Marcus Schmickler (Komponist)
SOWATORINI Landschaft (Landschaftsarchitekten)
Alfredo Thiermann (Architekt)
Stefan Vogel (Bildender Künstler)
Fabian A. Wagner (Architekt)

Architekturgalerie am Weißenhof
BDA Baden-Württemberg
Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
Literaturhaus Stuttgart
Musik der Jahrhunderte
Universität Stuttgart
Weissenhofmuseum im Haus Le Corbusier